To my dear friend who wanted to slam the photocopying machine on my hands, who wanted to become a spine surgeon so he could fix my back because I love sports cars and may get a chance to drive them, who wanted to paint my car pink, who wanted to pour concrete over my garden, who wanted to buy me a packet of gravel every year for my birthday till the day I buy my house with a gravel road, who wanted to see my future wife henpeck on me, who wanted to high-five each other everyday in the OT when we become surgeons, who wanted to see Dr Wong send his students into the OT just to show either him or me the shit on the gloves after PR-ing a patient, who wanted to once again travel to the mountains of Perth where its nobody's business but ours, who wanted to go out to sea together using our powerboat license, who wanted to drink a can of cold beer while taking a hot shower, who wanted to break out in song to elton john and blue, who wanted to maintain me in the OT, who wanted to see liyana's boobs when she is having her CABG done
He was a friend who wanted to do so many things. He was a friend whom I wanted to do many things with. I may be irritated with you and screw you sometimes but I wanted the both of us to do well. I hope you didn't mind. Take care wherever you are.
30th July 2008.
Thanks for the memories, Tuck.
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