Saturday, July 22, 2006

Medicamp is OVER!

Wow, its been a blast for the past 4 days in NUS and Aloha Loyang. Hell, I had lots of fun(not). Didn't really interact with my OG much for the past 4 days because I've been conducting or being a station master for some of the activities. First day was fright night, second day was So you think you can cook and third, wet games! But, ah, maybe the fun of the M & N1 are more important that what the OGLs felt haha. Sacrifice!

Speaking of SYTYCC, I think the OGs did an amazing job! gotta get some pics from those buggers who took pics and show it to all of you. Brenda's grp won the cooking competition! congrats to them!

But, there is one thing I'm proud of is that my OG is still alive, yes, godzilla is alive, I can't believe that almost every member (minus one) is at medicamp! Its been a yr since we met and we are still together, I hope we will stay close still at least while we are still studying!

Right...thats it man..didn't take pics at all cuz I don't have a bloody cam... I need one..and I'm going to ask for pics and vids haha.. Right..enjoy


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