Sunday, September 04, 2005

Commie Talk!!

Hey, enough of all the SNAG and emo thing man. Its time for some commie talk man. I just love commies man! All the posters done when Mao took over China are quite inspiring to a certain extent. It reflected the power of the people at that point of time, although they didn't really had the power. But communism really worked for the people of China at that point of time. I guess many people in Singapore associate Communists to trouble makers due to what we learnt in our history text. But they are just a bunch of people trying to spread thier ideology to others, just that others are better than communism.
In fact, communism still lies in the guidelines and ruling principles of many so called democratic parties. You buggers know? LKY was actually a believer of communism at a certain point of his life.
Ok..better not say too much, if not I get caught man...blogging is damm dangerous and really gotta watch what I'm typing. Thanks so much for the promotion of freedom of speech eh. Really appreciate it.

Sheesh, I guess I've been crapping too much compared to both my brothers...hopefully I'll produce something more serious haha...but I have yet to say anything bout my favourite teletubbies yet!! So..stay tune..for the next post..MUHAHA


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