Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Beauty of Power Naps

Another term, another exam; think it’s safe to say that we all are feeling the heat Leo. You aren’t the only one getting white hairs over this CAs (heck I’m getting white hairs LITERALLY, which sucks lol…) so chill dude!

Newae, I decided to honour some individuals in this post, and how they exemplify THE BEAUTY OF POWER NAPS!!! There are some studies which report how efficient these are, and in this current exigent rush for more productive means of studying, thought I’d highlight this topic. =)

The basis of a power nap is that it’s short. Pure and simple. It doesn’t mean you lay down on your bed and snooze the whole afternoon away. At most 20min, so all those lazy buggers out there who love sleeping their lives away (including Yours Truly), suck it up and live with it heh…

Nadia's first debut on this site haha...

Personally, I found out that once I hit the bed, there’s no getting up until a few hours later. Nowadays all I dare do is rest my head on the table, or lean back in the library chairs (anat museum chairs are more comfortable some feel, but dear Mr. Gopal will be prodding you awake within half a heartbeat sigh…). Feels so good, better than coffee you may say.

I haven’t been taking much photos these past few months, quite sian with the same background everytime. Which reminds me: I hope we organize an OG outing, that night at MOS you were talking about maybe Nadia? But I digress… As I was saying, these dear friends of mine happened to experience a visit by the Z-monster, most recent of which is our one and only Bo haha… Lucky guy went to party at Oasis’ concert on Thursday, but he says it wasn’t old Liam that tired him out, it was our machine-gun lecturer who somehow completed 80 slides in less than 60min. Don’t blame him for knocking off, felt like doing the same myself…

Ah stress… Feeling damn shacked now from 3h straight of anat, time for a power nap myself maybe? Oh yeah, and can someone please join me in the library tomorrow? Very sian on my own... =( Cheers!


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