Sunday, July 23, 2006

What was meant to be

Well thx to Liyana's censorship the article about grey's anat that appears in the orientation booklet isn't the original one. That's right, the bit about grey's anat that you see in there is a sanitised version penned by bong for fear that the original article would result in a lot of disgruntled m1s and massive riots....

Dude... it's meant to be a humor article? Who's gonna take it seriously?......

Well the great thing about the internet is that it isn't subject to the same laws of print, so here's the original article.....

I’m not gonna write anything about this show cos I think its absolute rubbish. Seriously this show is as much about surgery as sex is about procreation.

And geez whats with all that angst and backstabbing? I’ve seen hormone charged teenagers who were less angsty.I mean come on, these people are supposed to be doctors not contestants on Survivor!!

And what’s with all the girls being obsessed with Dr Derek Shepherd?? Ok fine so he’s good looking but come on, I think even Dr Wilson from House is better looking then him. I’m surprised that ABC hasn’t capitalized on this phenomenon by recasting him as the main character and renaming the show “The ridiculously good looking Dr Shepherd surrounded by random people in scrubs Show”.....


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