Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm Still Alive!!!

Well after nearly 1.5 months of continuous muggering and 42.195km..... im still here! Well my timing for the marathon wasn't terribly good.... unlike my dear friend QY who is now the 36th fastest marathoner in SG according to the race results.... but oh well at least i managed to finish it..... maybe next year i'll do sub 5 haha....

You noe.... when people ask me why i like to run so much... well i guess the initial reason would be to keep fit... but i guess the reason now would be more of that i just love the runners high... but then again at 32km the high sorts of turns into more like torture.... but hey pain can be pleasure right?;p

But you know those addidas ads where they get show peoples reasons for running? Well they did that this yr for the stand chart singapore marathon where they got people to write reasons for running and pin it to their backs...

Well these were some of the memorable lame/funny/weird ones i saw along the 42.195km....

1)Becos running is better then sex
Dude are you serious????

2)I forgot that i left the stove on
Ok i guess thats worth some marks for effort...

3)For the free shirt
Well thats being really honest....

4)Because im chasing (Bib No XXXX)
Well i certainly hope thats a girl(this was pinned on a guy)

5)Well it seemed like a good idea 6 months ago
Well said......

Also at the finishing line some guy actually got down on his knees to propose to his girlfriend. I noe some of you might be thinking awwww so sweet. Well i think its pretty nice too.... but seriously after the girl says yes how is he gonna have the energy(and the pain tolerance) to stand up, lift up his bride to be and swing her around?

But seriously this guy is really case of out of the fire and into the frying pan. I mean why endure 42.195kms of pain just to give yourself more pain?? Cos to be honest.... girls = pain. I mean thats just my personnal biased slightly sour grapes opinion.... but man.....

Well if i see the guy running again next year his reason would be (if he's lucky) "For my pregnant wife and my future son!!"

Or if he's unlucky..... "Because i'm running away from my wife......"

Well of cos i wish him all the best....

On just another side note..... while i was typing this the news was actually reporting about typhoon Durian. DUDE!!! typhoon DURIAN!! I mean are there really such a lack of female names???

Oh wait see?? WOMEN = PAIN. See even the meterologists felt so strongly about it that they decided to name natural disasters after women. That's why you have names like Hurricane Katrina....


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