Saturday, March 11, 2006

Singaporean Girls Don’t Call Us Guys Ungentlemanly; You Don’t Deserve It

Now all you feminists out there, don’t be so quick to castigate me and call me MCP. Allow me to explain my angst:

I went to library to study this morning (Yes I am studying like hell now, I want to go visit Mel in Melbourne come this May, and I don’t want to have to study for stupid supp papers, DARN PHYSIO). I was leaving for lunch at the canteen… Saw these two girls walking towards the library doors, and held open the door for them.

Idiot bimbos happily sailed through the doors without so much as a ‘thank you’ to me! Being quite sian of studies (I mean like, who isn’t right?), I was PMSey enough to voice out a loud, sarcastic ‘you’re welcome’ to them. So glad I shocked them into turning around in surprise haha… (Lol… think all the OG girls are rolling their eyes at me; relax you all are fine haha…)

This point has been brought up time and again: Girls, you can’t be expected to be treated like ladies if you don’t act like one. Being too shy or being too ignorant is hardly an excuse. Ever thought that guys can be shy about this yet we still make the effort to be nice? Worse still for those two clowns; I came off with the impression that they had the notion ‘I’m so pretty, hence guys should be nice to me…’ Granted this may not be the case, that these girls didn’t intend it to be such, but it sure as heck doesn’t paint a very nice picture in any vindictive guys’ mind.

So the bottom line is: Niceties begets niceties.


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