Friday, July 07, 2006

Of Mice and Men

You know, i'm sure there are a lot of girls out there that wonder why the hell guys seem to like to talk so much about army. Well i shall try to give an explaination from my point of view, even though National Service you see, is like the Matrix. You cannot be told what it is, you must experience it for yourself........

Note: The following views are from mine as a non disruptee. I'm not being elitist/age-ist or anything, but well.... i didn't disrupt so it's not fair for me to be annexing other people's views.....

Have you ever wondered?

Well 1st of all NS is looooooong. 2 yrs and 4 months(for me anyway). If you thought JC was long add another 4 months to that and go figure.

Secondly National Service is..... well a job that you're pretty much married to, like it or not. Unless you had a cushy desk job from 9 - 5 wif no duties whatsoever, you'll be pretty much stuck in camp most of the time. It's even worse if you're a trainee, cos you only get to book out on sat mornings and you have to book back into camp on sun night.

And the thing is, even on the weekends, when it's supposed to be your own personal time, your army unit can still call you back!! Yeps even if you're enjoying yourself on orchard road someone at mindef can still press a button and ruin your weekend.

So the point is..... well you can't spend 2 yrs 4 months doing something continuously day and night day in day out without it having some kind of significant change on you....

Why must we serve?

I'm sure that a lot of people also wonder, then why do guys always talk about NS when it's generally concieved to be a pretty shitty place to be in?

Well the thing is, NS is a common topic that all guys from all walks of life and different schools can relate to. Even if it's shitty or bad memories it's still a common topic that 2 guys from different schools that have never met before can talk cock about.

Another theory that i have is that.... as far fetched as it may sound... is that guys yearn for a simpler life, in a simpler time, where things aren't always so complicated. Just do your job and **** off. If anything screws up just LLST. Well sounds shitty but hey, no need to study what haha....... and there aren't any girls around either to fuel dissent among guys=p

Because we love our land

So the thing is, well we can't help it if we suddenly started talking cock about army. It's like Pavlov's bell, except instead of dogs salivating when a bell rings it's guys shouting contacted when they hear a bang=)

So the only thing we can do is to limit the conversation as much as possible and try to move on quickly. So girls, next time if you're with a group of guys and they start talking about military stuff, just give a ho-hum look and pray that they move on. Or you could just find another girl and talk about shopping^_^

and we want it to be free to be free.....


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