Friday, October 14, 2005

Its been a week since I sent my camera for servicing and its not back yet. Looks like what the lady over at the counter at Olympus faked me. I'm gonna get her when I go back there to pick up my camera.

This week was a good week I guess, although I'm a little messed up with my work, but when I was on the bus back today. I felt a sudden calm, a sudden feeling that I might have just sorted myself out! I know you people must be thinking, "How come this cock has so many problems? What the hell is he always thinking about?" The answer from me is that I DON'T KNOW! Its just me. know for the past 2 weeks, I think my dear OG mates must have heard me telling them to 'give in to thier temptations', I didn't really meant it in a bad way... I've realised that my friends around me are getting hell constipated, no, not because they can't shit, but because they didn't manage to do certain things because thier logic overruled thier instincts. I feel that for somethings in life, follow your heart. Let your heart run your mind, I'm not telling all you buggers not to put logic into your decisions, but hey, give your brain a break, let your heart take over...

Go crazy, burp, snort(yes...serene and fiona, SNORT), be stupid, be childish, etc. Its good for health to have a release. Try it someday, but too much is in my case! haha.. Next time, you feel that you want to use your logic to decide on something that your heart should decide for you. Hold your hand over the chest region above your heart(I know I'm a med student, but..layman's english I guesS) to remind yourself what you should be doing. It sounds stupid..but works...

Good Day!!


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