Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When Heaven and earth collide

Wow i cant believe that just by posting some random crap i can get my 2 other bros to post some weird shit too... the wonders of herd mentality(ok i feel i beating coming up)

But anywayz, if you ever go to the damn dentistry block in NUH before 8 in the morning, the lift is always never working. At 1st i thought that it was spoilt, but for some reason at about 12 noon the damn thing always magically starts working again. So you noe what i think? I think that they purposely turn the damn thing off to save electricity.....

Ok so i understand that they prob restrict the damn lift use to save electricty to save money and "save the environment". But have they ever thought about the poor janitor who is like this poor old Indian lady who has to climb up 4 stories everyday to unlock the rooms and LTs???

But speaking of saving the environment, there was some news report recently about Sheryl Crow, who has declared a war on the use of toilet paper.

Sorry lady while i believe in saving the environment too(in fact i even play my part by pumping the ridiculously expensive unleaded 98 petrol for the family car) but if there's something i love its the incredible feel of triple ply supersoft toilet people against my a**, and not even heaven and hell colliding can stop me from pampering my a**hole after a hard days work.

And speaking of global warming even Singapore is gonna be majorly screwed soon because of the melting icecaps, cargo ships will now be able to pass though what used to be the north pole and hence bypass our port, which means major bummer for PSA earnings.....

And you know what? With so many bloody ships passing by the ice caps the xtra heat generated is probably gonna make the ice caps melt faster.....

Woo good luck to the people living in marine parade or near any low lying region....

Looks like a job for somebody.........


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