Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Not posted for sometime, and I decided to post this up. It's true, us brothers only talk about 3 things in general: Cars, medicine, and army. And don't get funny ideas, just because we hardly talk about girls like the stereo-typed male doesn't mean we don't like them lol... Anyway, here's something to liven your day!


Friendly fire - isn't.
Recoilless rifles - aren't.
If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.
Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.
Five second fuses always burn three seconds.
The easy way is always mined.
Never draw fire; it irritates everyone around you.
When you have secured the area, make sure the enemy knows it too.
No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection.
No inspection ready unit has ever passed combat.
If the enemy is within range, so are you.
Military Intelligence is a contradiction.
The one item you need is always in short supply.
Interchangeable parts aren't.
The worse the weather, the more you are required to be out in it.
Field experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
No matter which way you have to march, its always uphill.
Every command which can be misunderstood, will be.
There is always a way, and it usually doesn't work.