Monday, October 30, 2006

Car of the month for Oct!

Right...Oct is coming to an end and its the start of a new month and hell, my first CAs! Right, who cares bout bogey-1 who conveniently forgotten about us when she saw some handsome guy standing at Row 10 of Terminal One Changi Airport! We all know, how 'chee ko' she can be, ain't it my fellow brudders?

Right, back on to the Car of the month, and without consulting any of my brothers because its my dad's birthday tomorrow and the car featured here is his favourite car (one of them at least), but something I wish he can buy right now to satisfy my hunger for a car to drive to school!

Yes, its none other than the Volvo S80. Its brand new and hell, its pretty. I know you guys must be thinking, hell to it. Low resale value and stuff like that, but hey, you buy a car to sell it away after 3 years or you buying it to drive? I know a BMW may sound more worth it, but hell, personally, I don't really like the 'empty' feeling of the BMW plastic and the lousy clicking noise of the door closing. So... yes, the volvo looks gd, feels gd. Check it out baby..

Happy Birthday Dad! Although, he doesn't read this blog, but yes, I'll buy one for him one day when I earn my first pay. My mum too!

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It ain't the nicest, but it still looks gd.


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