I'm mother sian today... Ah Well, who says those smelly, lumpy things that come out from your unglamorous butty hole isn't important. Let me tell you, its important because there is a classification for it! I, myself, didn't know that till today! How ignorant can that be? From the chart, you'll understand that Type 1 and 2 are pain the ass but Type 1 is the worst. Type 7... I guess its a pain in the ass too, I mean.. too hard it hurts, too watery it hurts. I guess you can classify people under the Bristol stool chart if they really screw up your day.
Great, I guess people can just make my day better by being truthful bout things. I can take the truth, I'm not a wuss. HAHA
Its true, there are people out there with too much time. But, they are doing it for a cause I guess, well, at least they believe there is one. Check these vids out. Well, liyana sent me the links. Have fun watching.
Whatssup homies! Its that time of the year again. Say what? Muggin season? Yeah! The time where we hunt all the muggers and shoot them. Well can't really do that now can we? Unless we all grab shotguns and kill each other. Which might actually be more fun then studying for that damn Med end of posting exam. 25% failure rate... woohoo!
Ooooh if you havent seen this medicine video check it out ;P Goes to show that Yr 4s everywhere have waay to much time on their hands thanks to electives ;P The end of Yr 3 DOES have a silver lining!
Anyway, no "banned" advertisements from me... No no no. I'm a clean, innocent guai dude ;P I'm gonna show you a tutorial on the Wenckebach block phenomenon... Aiyah its the Mobitz type 1 Second Degree heart block with progressive PR interval until a QRS fails to show up after the P wave. Cycle then repeats. Still blur about the topic? Aiyah how can like that? 3.5 weeks till end of posting leh... never mind I'll let these Aussies teach ya ... Back to the mugging (Dont shoot!!!!)
TSB has a funny trend - Burst posting. Many posts at one shot, and we chill a little. Its like a GMPG cover fire gone wrong (Pardon the bad analogy). Alright, gonna attach a few 'banned ads', some are ridiculous but some are really funny. So check it out. Time to mug hard for medicine because I'm so gonna fail it. Cheers!
BMW Video, I never knew the M5 could travel that fast?
Wow i cant believe that just by posting some random crap i can get my 2 other bros to post some weird shit too... the wonders of herd mentality(ok i feel i beating coming up)
But anywayz, if you ever go to the damn dentistry block in NUH before 8 in the morning, the lift is always never working. At 1st i thought that it was spoilt, but for some reason at about 12 noon the damn thing always magically starts working again. So you noe what i think? I think that they purposely turn the damn thing off to save electricity.....
Ok so i understand that they prob restrict the damn lift use to save electricty to save money and "save the environment". But have they ever thought about the poor janitor who is like this poor old Indian lady who has to climb up 4 stories everyday to unlock the rooms and LTs???
Sorry lady while i believe in saving the environment too(in fact i even play my part by pumping the ridiculously expensive unleaded 98 petrol for the family car) but if there's something i love its the incredible feel of triple ply supersoft toilet people against my a**, and not even heaven and hell colliding can stop me from pampering my a**hole after a hard days work.
Wah cool..revival of the TSB blog..haha..I thot it was time for this lah, since we are like right smack (not SMAC) in the middle of postings and there's so much grumblings and ranting to do..eh after this posting got 1 wk holz go somewhere leh (haha i feel i beri qian4 da3..)..
Anw!..Whoohooo!!..I passed my medicine posting!!!..Whoohoooo!!!
Im sure u all will do much better than me lah..
Looking forward to ramly burger this fri..hurhur..i jus looked at the MAC's coupon that was in my mailbox..then suddenly i got so gian of burger, think I had too much of bakchor mee in houseman canteen CGH. The chap chai beng is damn giam siappppp..I think I can lose alot of weight if I eat that everyday..but the soup thingy looks nice..especially on a rainy day..mebbe can try one day..
Two posts in such a short time? It certainly compelled me to post something even if its silly and doesn't mean anything! I mean, at least it shows that I'm still alive right? Where are the rest of my buddies? Join in the fun and we can all talk about the crap we are all going through right now.
I know the public doesn't like medical students to ramble on and on about how tough life is for us or complaint about patients the whole day. But I would say we are only human and yes, I know for sure the public hates medical students! Because seriously, we are nuisance, aren't we?
Ok, I don't know what I am talking about here, but I must say, the start of proper clinical postings have been fun and yes, I have two new identities, call me either John or Steven. But it would take me a while to respond to them. I'll be John when I'm pasty white and I'm Steven if I happen to visit ECP during one of the weekends and get a little tanned.
John loves, well, ugly breast and colons and administers drugs to make them look pretty again. Steven loves tubes also known as vessels in the abdomen or lower limbs and just loves using the droppler pen and of course loves scalpels and forceps.
Ok.. enough crap. You discern for yourself who I am and then call me by the appropriate name. As far as I know, I'm Leonard. HAHA
Well well it's been a long time since ive posted anything.... so long in fact that i actually forgot my damn password to my blogger account haha...
But anyway there was this talk in NUS on tuesday for m3 students, where they played some video done by some American college students telling you to well.... basically... don't kill yourself? And in these video they featured some people who has attemlted suicide and well.... failed....(duh if they suceeded they wont talking would they?) And these people were like saying how failing to kill themselves had reformed them and made them feel new and capable and not lost.....
Well i'm not an advocate of suicide(or euthenasia for that matter) but how does failing to kill yourself suddenly make the whole world better again??? In fact now failing suicide just makes you suck at ONE MORE THING in life.... can you imagine if they had like support groups for people who attempted suicide? Man:Well my name is John and i tried to kill myself...
Facilitator:Well John would you like to share more with us?
Man:Well i tried to kill myself by overdosing on sleeping pills.... but turned out my wife was just using the empty dormicum bottle to store her vitamins...
*Rest of support group trying to suppress laughter*
Man:F**k i should have just jumped off a cliff back then
But anyway if you really had to do it would there be a "best" method? Well i wouldn't really know about that but i guess jumping in front of MRTs and off HDBs are kinda passe.... so if you really wanted to make front page you would need more...... innovative methods....
But anyway while taking the train today with my cg buddy in a momemt of morbidity we started talking about painless way to go.... and she said that the most painless way is to do the "Car and carbon monoxide method", but i still think overdosing on general anathsesia sounds more painless.....
But speaking of which have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the "Phantom of the OT"?
Fun Things to do as the resident haunting ghost of an Operating Theatre
1)Breathe down the neck of the surgeon as he operates and watch as he goes mad slowly
2)Make lewd inappropriate running commentaries during the op like "OMG look at that bowel! Its so friable!! You're gonna perforate it...... woooo........"
3)Take the diathermy grounding pad and secretly paste it on the surgeon when he's not looking and watch his expression when he tries to buzz.....
4)Play with the hydraulic table during the op
5)After the surgeons have scrubbed in push their hands against the wall and go "Oops.... not sterile anymore are we?"
6)Diathermy weird messages onto the patient like "MOT5 ghost was here"
See i think that it would wayy much better to be an OT ghost rather than the resident ghost of some weirdass dilapidated house in the middle of some forest. I mean the ghost of some dilapidated house only gets to screw around with some dumb kids who wander in every once in a while and the only thing you can do is randomly slam some doors or windows and make the floorboards creek... while as an OT ghost you get all these toys!!! And plus if you're like some chee hong ghost you get to have creeps scrub nurses in your OT everyday....
Ok thats enuff morbid thoughts for one day.... b4 people start reading between the lines too much and i start getting weird sms like "DONT DO IT!! Theres always another way out!!"
but anyway heres some awesomely f**kingly funny video