Mutiny aboard the ship...... Savy?
Well as you can see from our new title there has been........ a reshuffleling of manpower;p This is because our dear brother bong has left our circle of trust to link up with another circle. The sad thing is that life is not like a Venn Diagram, you cannot simultaneously exist within 2 subsets. Hence to heal the resultant empty space left in the circle of trust, we have decided to annex our brother yang....
In true megazord tradition..... Bong + Yang = Yong!!
And so we have a new addition/replacement to our brotherhood, the Tuck Som Yong gang!!
But anyway, today while KLKKing around town, the 3 of us started discussing about where we should go to next yr during our incredibly short 3 week hols=( I noe it sounds early but you know what they say! When you plan to fail you fail to plan!! Oh wait i think its the other way round.....
But since we Tuck Som Yong are poor students with heavy debts living in HDB flats, we are unable to fly to very far places. Not to mention that we're also constrained by a 3 week timeframe.....
So anyway we've decided to limit ourselves to places that only budget airlines fly to.... which are as following as of now....
Taiwan - Taipei
Australia - Darwin
Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi
Cambodia - Phnom Penh, Siem Reap
Thailand - Bangkok, Phuket, Changmai
Hong Kong - Hong Kong
India - Bangalore
Indonesia - Jarkata
Myanmar - Yangon
China - Guangzhou, Shenzhen
Well anyway we're looking for travel khakis. However to avoid future problems and also cos we're elitist asses, we have strict selection criteria as to who can travel with TSY....
1)1st and formost all travellers must be able to commit 100% for the trip. No such thing as last minute pullout. Its either you go or we chop of your bloody pinkie and bring it along instead....
2)All travellers must take part actively in the planning and execution of the trip. Everyone must be in charge of planning something / taking charge of something. This is non negotiable! Is that clear!!
3)All travellers must be able to live and eat cheaply, not so much because of budget concerns, but because we're masochists who enjoy SM.....
4)All travellers must be able to tahan the cock/crap of TSY, even better if you can talk cock also haha......
5)This wasn't mentioned, but after this yrs trip to perth, i'm sick of sausage fests, so it helps if you're a char boh haha.......
1)Your Rank(If applicable), Name and IC no
2)A picture of yourself
3)A 1500 word essay of why you wanna travel wif us
4)What your favourite car is(accompanied by a 500 word essay on why u like the car)
5)Male / Female or HARD GAY HOO!!!
6)Your favourite colour
7)The reason why a greenhouse is not really green
8)What Leonard's favourite food really is....
We hope to see you at the airport come april 2007!! =)